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The Global Financial Crisis: Are We Trapped in an Obsolete Economic System?

Spectra, Centre of Excellence, and CETIP (Center for the Transdisciplinary Study of Institutions, Evolution and Policies) were co-organizators of guest lecture of prof. Daniel W.Bromley from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA under the headline "The Global Financial Crisis: Are We Trapped in an Obsolete Economic System?".



SPECTRA Centre of Excellencie participates on Summer School:  "ADAPTIVE GOVERNANCE: SPATIAL, TEMPORAL AND CULTURAL CONSTRAINTS  AND OPPORTUNITIES". The Summer School – the 1st Module – is hosted by EC Tempus Project No. 511390: Environmental Governance for Environmental Curricula at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia and is organized in co-operation with the Centre for Transdisciplinary Study of Institutions, Evolutions and Policies (CETIP) in Bratislava, Slovakia, Centre for Excellence Spectra+ in Bratislava, Slovakia and other partners´ organisations (University J. E. Purkyně, Ústí n. L., Czech Republic Central European University in Budapest, Hungary, Regional Environmental Centre, Slovakia and Bratislava City Hall, Slovakia).


Ecosystem services: Adaptive EU policies for future EU regions

SPECTRA Centre of Excellence of EU - Slovak Academy of Sciences -Institute of Forest Ecology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and CzechGlobe -Global Change Research Centre, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic will organize International Colloquium "Ecosystem services: Adaptive EU policies for future EU regions". 


Fellows/ESR at the SPECTRA CE

Early stage researchers, supervisors and the project topics.


Project partners

List of the partners within RegPol2 project


SPECTRA CE EU in the United Nation

On April 27th,  016 presented prof. Maros Finka, director of the SPECTRA CE EU at the Slovak University in Bratislava in the United Nation Organization headquarter in New York his statement on report of the Policy Unit 9 Urban services and technologies. His presentation got very positive reaction in the frame of Open-ended consultative meetings to the preparation of the UNO World Conference HABITAT  III held in Quito, Equator.



The SaveGREEN project: Safeguarding the functionality of transnationally important ecological corridors in the Danube basin

standard logo - light green ink-BIG

Project is set to work on the critical theme of ecological corridors in the Carpathian and further mountain ranges of the Danube region.

Currently, eco-corridors are threatened by the lack of adequate planning of economic development initiatives. Linear transport infrastructure, urban development, intensive agricultural, forestry, and water management practices can interrupt ecological corridors, cause traffic-deaths, and lower the reproductive success of key species and the effectiveness of ecosystem services we all depend on.

Therefore, building on the key results of previous Interreg DTP projects — i.e. TRANSGREEN, ConnectGREEN and HARMON — the SaveGREEN project will identify, collect, and promote the best solutions for safeguarding ecological corridors — including monitoring the impact of mitigation measures. Thus, basing its work on integrated planning, it will help derive proper recommendations for follow-up actions and policy design. 

BISON (H2020)


The BISON project focuses on infrastructure development and preservation of biodiversity, respectively, in order to achieve social and economic well-being. Resulting from this, two issues should be considered:

  • Spatial relationships between infrastructure location and protected areas. The majority of the infrastructure development will likely occur within or around preserved areas and ecosystems with a high level of biodiversity. This may undermine past, current and future conservation investments if spatial planning is not carefully applied. Negative consequences could include the shift of species range due to climate change and the movement of key biodiversity areas (under legal protection or not), towards areas that are also considered to meet current infrastructure demands. Predicting these shifts and (re)designing infrastructure to enhance ecosystems’ resilience, in the context of climate change, can be enhanced by applied research to address these key challenges.
  • Innovations in project design can provide a safer and more efficient infrastructure network and reduce the negative impacts on biodiversity, particularly away from protected areas. In addition, upgrading or enhancing the efficiency of existing infrastructure (rather than developing new infrastructure) should be explored as a critical solution to mitigate further land-use change and ecosystem fragmentation16. The innovation potential in this sector is aligned with the European ambition of being a leader in creating green jobs.