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SPECTRA+, Centre of Excellence for the Settlement Infrastructure Development of the Knowledge Based Society.

Project Nr.: 26240120002
Financing: ERDF, OP Research and Development
Project Code: OPVaV-2008/4.1/01-SORO
Duration : May 2009 – April 2011
Budget: 1 340 554,53 €
Project Coordinator: Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava
Project Partners: Faculty of Natural Science, Comenius University Bratislava
Institute of Forecasting, Slovak Academy of Science
Institute of Geography, Slovak Academy of Science

Project Mission:

The principal goal of the project is to help improve the scientific infrastructure of Spectra and relevant project partners, in order to efficiently promote reserach activities aimed to optimalization of economic activities with regard to sustainable development of landscape and environment. The project enables to use organizational and technological platform based on the completion and integration of technological and scientific capacity and knowledge brought by natural, technological, economical and social sciences.

Strategic goal:

Enhancement and synergy of top scientific and research institutions and bodies of Bratislava region (BSK) in order to optimize sustainable spatial development of settlements and socio-economic acitities related to knowledge based society.

Specific goals:

  1. Support of synergic use of top science and research capacities of BSK for creating and transfer of know-how in scientific discipline „Spatial Planning“ and practice of settlement structures development of knowledge based economy.
  2. Utilising of potential of Spectra, Centre of Excellence in order to integrate the effort and achievements of top scientific and research institutions participating in project.
  3. Improving the competition edge of the Centre within the field of research of sustainable spatial development through building up and completing the capacities of Spectra, Centre of Excellence.
  4. Improving the competition edge of the Centre through building up and improving the facilities conditions and information systems of Spectra, Centre of Excellence.

Activities of the project are focused on:

  • Opening up the newly established opportunities for scientific work and integration of research institutions of BSK in the frame of European research space.
  • Strengthening the synergy effect of cooperation of top research institutions of BSK participating in the project
  • Deepening the complexity of shared know-how, its efficient utilising in the settlement development practise, increasing of human resources potential, improving the quality of equipment and improving the competition edge of the Centre.
  • Increasing the efficiency of investment into scientific infrastructure via its integration with present infrastructure and sharing its utilising among project partners.
  • Broadening of international cooperation of top scientific institutions of BSK via integration through SPA-CE.net networking and international research programmes.

The project Spectra+ leans on:

  • Top scientific and research potential of participating institutions
  • High degree of interlinkage of basic and applied research and education
  • High density of concentration of scientific capacities within BSK
  • Numerous experiences of participation in foreign research and scientific programmes
  • Concentration of know-how and extraordinary knowledge in the field of spatial development and landscape management in Slovak republic
  • Utilisation of established institutionalised and informal structures of international cooperation
  • Integration of knowledge into the transfer of know-how toward management practice

One of the expected results of the project is better chance of participating partners to be succesful in the follow-up international programmes for support of science and research in the field of spatial development.