is a self-interest network integrating Central and Eastern European institutes and organisations active in the field of spatial research and planning. Each member institute is represented by its director and/or delegated persons. The network is continuously growing and is open to adopt new members.
Our vision is to be a network with transnational, trans-regional and cross-border dimensions. This is achieved through partnerships between spatial research and planning institutes in Central and Eastern Europe. The network serves to share common visions, develop trust and an interest in cooperation, to motivate and mobilise major actors and to encourage re-search. It also provides a forum for the meeting of minds and the exchange of information, experience and research results.
Our mission is to ensure sustainable development on the European continent by providing spatial research results to policy-makers, scientists and the interested public. It can contribute significantly to improving the quality of life, to enhancing the protection and management of Europe's cultural and natural heritage as well as creating new jobs and spurring economic growth.
Transnational cooperation is an indispensable precondition for mobilising Europe's potential for research and practical application in the field of sustainable spatial development.
The Network of Spatial Research Institutes in Central and Eastern Europe pursues the following goals:
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