Challenges of spatial and urban development of Vajnory

Students of master study of Spatial planning took part in the research cooperation of the Slovak University of Technology and Municipality of Vajnory (part of Bratislava), aimed to solve various problems and challenges of spatial and urban development of Vajnory. Our students dealt with the territory of Vajnory from various interdisciplinary angles: two groups were analysing the territory from the point of view of specific needs of particular groups of inhabitants (handicapped people, teenagers) anf their role in spatial development, foreign students from ERASMUS Exchange programme dedicated their work to revitalisation of an abandoned old airfield in Vajnory. All three presentation belonged to the most outstanding and distinguished and they yielded vibrant attention at final presentation day, 13th, January 2023 at House of Culture in Vajnory. Cooperation with Municipality of Vajnory will be prolonged also in summer semester.