Project management for EU urban transformation in the context of climate change and energy transition (PM4U)
“Project management for EU urban transformation in the context of climate change and energy transition" aims to address the challenges of effectively managing initiatives related to the transformation of urban areas in the European Union in the context of climate change and energy transition., by developing a Master's and PhD level module on project management for the EU urban transformation. The module is intended to provide students with knowledge and skills needed to effectively plan and implement such initiatives, and will focus on the application of project management principles and practices to real-world situations in the context of EU urban transformation.
Three partners from Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia – IETU, IURS, SPECTRA with UA partner – NGU LEDA NET want to support reconstruction of Ukrainian regions destroyed by Russian invasion. Project partners have planned activities aimed at the most effective transfer of knowledge on various aspects of transformation (social, economic and environmental). Issues related to the development of regions in the future, post-industrial land repurposing (including post-mining assets), especially in the context of the environment and the quality of the life of the inhabitants, will be important. The facilities of the mining industry and other sectors can be an excellent potential for building post-industrial tourism, as it was done in the V4 countries (examples in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia). The project is intended to help cities and regions of Ukraine to plan and implement regional just redevelopment and transition, with aware people of Ukraine involved.
Three partners from Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia – IETU, IURS, SPECTRA with UA partner – NGU LEDA NET want to support reconstruction of Ukrainian regions destroyed by Russian invasion.
The project will organize study tour for stakeholders from Ukraine in Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia and virtual schools for academia/students to transfer the knowledge and experience of V4 regions in transition, which will be crucial in the rebuilding of Ukraine.
BISON (H2020)
The BISON project focuses on infrastructure development and preservation of biodiversity, respectively, in order to achieve social and economic well-being. Resulting from this, two issues should be considered:
- Spatial relationships between infrastructure location and protected areas. The majority of the infrastructure development will likely occur within or around preserved areas and ecosystems with a high level of biodiversity. This may undermine past, current and future conservation investments if spatial planning is not carefully applied. Negative consequences could include the shift of species range due to climate change and the movement of key biodiversity areas (under legal protection or not), towards areas that are also considered to meet current infrastructure demands. Predicting these shifts and (re)designing infrastructure to enhance ecosystems’ resilience, in the context of climate change, can be enhanced by applied research to address these key challenges.
- Innovations in project design can provide a safer and more efficient infrastructure network and reduce the negative impacts on biodiversity, particularly away from protected areas. In addition, upgrading or enhancing the efficiency of existing infrastructure (rather than developing new infrastructure) should be explored as a critical solution to mitigate further land-use change and ecosystem fragmentation16. The innovation potential in this sector is aligned with the European ambition of being a leader in creating green jobs.
Hospodársky rast a rozvoj mestských aglomerácií Bratislavy a Győru v posledných desaťročiach prekračuje štátne hranice. Ovplyvňuje tak aj prírodné prostredie na oboch stranách hranice. Susediace oblasti Žitný ostrov (Csallóköz) na Slovensku a Szigetköz (Malý Žitný ostrov) v Maďarsku majú veľký význam z hľadiska ochrany prírody a eko-turistiky. Obe strany prihraničnej oblasti sú bohaté na prírodné, kultúrne a krajinné bohatstvo. Podobné však majú nielen hodnoty, ale aj problémy. Niektoré súvisia s vodným hospodárstvom a udržateľným využívaním prírodných zdrojov, iné s rozvojom miest a obcí v suburbánnom priestore a s kvalitou mestského prostredia.
The SaveGREEN project: Safeguarding the functionality of transnationally important ecological corridors in the Danube basin
Project is set to work on the critical theme of ecological corridors in the Carpathian and further mountain ranges of the Danube region.
Currently, eco-corridors are threatened by the lack of adequate planning of economic development initiatives. Linear transport infrastructure, urban development, intensive agricultural, forestry, and water management practices can interrupt ecological corridors, cause traffic-deaths, and lower the reproductive success of key species and the effectiveness of ecosystem services we all depend on.
Therefore, building on the key results of previous Interreg DTP projects — i.e. TRANSGREEN, ConnectGREEN and HARMON — the SaveGREEN project will identify, collect, and promote the best solutions for safeguarding ecological corridors — including monitoring the impact of mitigation measures. Thus, basing its work on integrated planning, it will help derive proper recommendations for follow-up actions and policy design.
Making City (H2020)
MAKING-CITY, the new large-scale demonstration project funded by Horizon 2020 EU’s research and innovation programme, holds its kick-off meeting on 13th-14th December in Valladolid, Spain. Gathering 34 partners coming from 9 countries, this 60-month H2020 project with a budget of 20 million euros aims to address and demonstrate the urban energy system transformation towards low carbon cities following the Positive Energy District (PED) concept.
Restoring and managing ecological corridors in mountains as green infrastructure in the Danube basin.
BhENEFIT is a project funded by the EU within the regional cooperation programme ‘Interreg-Central Europe’. The Municipality of Mantova is the leading partner of a consortium of 13 partners from 7 different European countries, which will work together for the next 30 months to develop a toolbox of integrated systems for the sustainable management of historical urban areas. The project has kicked off in Mantova, where all the active partners, plus 1 observer partner and the official representatives of the programme gathered in July 2017.
TRANSGREEN - Integrované plánovanie rozvoja dopravy a zelenej infraštruktúry v dunajsko-karpatskom regióne s ohľadom na potreby ľudí a prír...
Dopravná sieť tvorená z diaľkových cestných komunikácií a železníc, ktorá prepája jednotlivé časti Slovenska a nadväzuje na susediace krajiny sa neustále vyvíja. Veľké infraštruktúrne projekty sa postupne budujú naprieč celými Karpatami a dotýkajú sa aj cenných území vrátane lokalít európskeho významu. Líniové stavby môžu výrazne poškodiť a fragmentovať mnohé významné chránené územia. Cieľom projektu TRANSGREEN je zabrániť tlakom a potenciálnym hrozbám, ktoré spôsobuje dopravná infraštruktúra a nastaviť environmentálne šetrné plánovanie dopravných koridorov v krajinách projektových partnerov: Slovensko, Česká republika, Maďarsko, Rumunsko a Ukrajina.