
The main aim of INSPIRATION is to develop a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) to inform environmentally friendly, socially acceptable and economically affordable soil and land use management that meets societal needs and challenges. A SRA built on end-user knowledge needs is more likely to be enthusiastically adopted by funders in order to promote the knowledge creation, transfer and implementation agenda. SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU at the STU in Bratislava acts as the National Focus Point for INSPIRATION Project in the frame of WP2, supported by the Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Institute of Landscape Ecology and Institute of Forest Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Science.
The ITN RegPol2 - Socio-economic and Political Responses to Regional Polarisation in Central and Eastern Europe centres on new patterns of regional disparities between metropolised regions and the remaining parts of Central ad Eastern European countries (CEE) countries. Such spatial pattern have become a striking feature of the current settlement system of these countries and have lately fuelled concerns about further polarisation and the peripheralisation of non-metropolitan regions. Patterns of regional polarisation, however do not remain restricted to CEE, but can be found throughout the European Union, albeit at different degrees.
Brownfield Redevelopment in the Visegrad Countries
The main goal of the project is to establish regular course of education in English language focused on brownfield revitalization. This course will be incorporated into the masters study programme “Spatial planning” and its ambition is to improve the skills and orientation within the field of brownfield revitalization in Europe.
URBIS WATCH - Bezpečnosť ako kvalita priestoru
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence sa venuje problematike tvorby bezpečných miest s dôrazom na komplexnosť, preto sa zameriava na všetky základné prvky urbánneho priestoru, ktorými sú:
- verejné priestory, uličné priestory a budovy, športoviská, parky, plochy zelene, pasáže;
- obyvatelia rôzneho veku, pohlavia, sociálneho statusu a ich komunity;
- technické prvky (dopravné systémy, systém osvetlenia, regulačné prvky prístupu, protipovodňové hrádze, orientačné prvky);
- organizačné a inštitucionálne prvky (susedstvá, mestská polícia, občianske iniciatívy, zväzy a združenia atď.).
IP KTH Stockholm
Education Project from programme: Lifelong Learning Programme, Intensive Programme: European Spatial Development Planning
Period: 2010 - 2011
Project Coordinator: Peter Brokking, KTH Stockholm, Švédsko.
Representative of Spectra, Centre of Excellence: Doc. PhDr. Dagmar Petríková, PhD.
ERDF - Programme Central Europe, 2CE174P4, CircUse
Research Project from programme EU: European Regional Development Fund
Period: 2010-2012
Project Coordinator: A. Starzewska-Sikorska, Institut for Ecology of Industrial Areas, Katowice, Poľsko.
Representative of Spectra, Centre of Excellence: Doc. PhDr. Dagmar Petríková, PhD.
The Anatomy of the Street
Education Project from programme: International Visegrad Fund, Small Grants Nr. 10940187, “The Anatomy of the Street”
Period: 2010 - 2011
Project Coordinator: Levente Polyak, HCAC Budapest, Hungary.
Representative of Spectra, Centre of Excellence: Doc. PhDr. Dagmar Petríková, PhD.
Brownfield Redevelopment
Education Project from programme: International Visegrad Fund, Visegrad University Studies Grant Nr. 60900015, “Brownfield Redevelopment in the Visegrad Countries”
Period: 2010 - 2013
Project Coordinator: Doc. PhDr. Dagmar Petríková, PhD.
Representative of Spectra, Centre of Excellence: Doc. PhDr. Dagmar Petríková, PhD.
Programme of cross-border cooperation Slovakia-Austria 2007-2013 – Creating the Future
Period: 2009-2011
Project Coordinator: Michael Rosenberger, Magistrat Wien, Austria.
Representative of Spectra, Centre of Excellence: Prof. Ing. Arch. Maroš Finka, PhD.
Programme of cross-border cooperation Slovakia-Austria 2007-2013 – Creating the Future
Period: 2009-2011
Project Coordinator: Martin Tschulik, Amt der NO Landesregierung, Abt. Naturschutz, St. Poelten, Austria
Representative of Spectra, Centre of Excellence: Prof. Ing. Arch. Maroš Finka, PhD.
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