Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Slovak University of Technology (STU) develop new cooperation in Sri Lanka

Team of Spectra, Centre of Excellence and STU (Prof. Finka, Assoc. Prof. Petríková, Dr. Ondrejička, Dr. Jamečný, Dr. Ondrejičková) is co-organising series of 8 workshops in Sri Lanka cities Colombo and Kandy. The events under the cover of EU ERASMUS+ are dedicated to the New Urban Agenda approved in October 2016 during UNO Habitat III summit in Quito.
The workshops are focused on the fulfillment of the sustainable development goals and adaptation measures concerning climate change in urban environment, savings potential and utilising of energy based upon the renewable resources and utilising of ecosystem services. Simultaneously, there are negotiations on research and education collaboration of STU and partner school International College of Business and Technology (ICBT). There is planned a lecture by profesor Finka, which will be held on Peradenyia University (Kandy), one of the most prestigeous research institution in Sri Lanka. STU in Bratislava will invite this year 5 lecturers and 2 colleagues from Sri Lanka and 2 Slovak STU students will visit ICBT in Colombo, all covered by ERASMUS+ network.