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The project „Black holes“ has been awarded

Audiencia laureatov Most 2016

The project „Black Holes“, elaborated by the PhD student of Spatial Planning and member of Spectra, Centre Excellence Miroslav Beňák has been awarded the prize MOST 2016. Main prize MOST has been continuosly awarded for last 11 years to young volunteers who in their leisure time are contributing to aestethisation of the public spaces and urban environment in general. There were more than 100 projects among the nominations.

The winning project Black Holes („Čierne diery“) is focused on mapping of the industrial heritage, unknown buildings and forgotten corners. Its main goal is to increase public awarness in the respective fields. The members of the initiative Black Holes have brought the places like Cvernovka, Winter harbour, Smaltovňa in the spotlight of public discussion. Main prize have been awarded by the President of Slovakia, Mr. Andrej Kiska. „Today more than ever, there is a strong need to involve young people in the active life in our society“ – concluded Mr. President during the event.
Prof. M.Finka, guarantor of the study programme Spatial planning and Executive Director of Spectra, Centre of Excellence added the following statement: „Our PhD. student M.Beňák has proven, that professional approach and engagement goes far beyond the everyday working duties. Revealing the historical industrial heritage means fostering the territorial potencial for further spatial development and is an integral part of spatial planning...“.
M. Beňák, the awarded winner of the competition goes further in details: „There is a strong need for propagation and further increasing of public awareness concerning our industrial heritage. These actvities are recommended even in the Charter of industrial heritage (2003), but the general lack of public interest inflicts further deterioration of these places...We have to bear in mind that general public is also an actor in the process of conversion of these spaces, not only as a potential user...“.