Visit of representatives of RMU University Pittsburgh at Spectra, Centre of Excellence (13th – 17th June 2011).

Representatives of RMU University Pittsburgh, led by prof. Fred Kohun, visited the Institute of Management STU and Spectra, Centre of Excellence during the week from 13th-till 17th June 2011. The visit was prepared with the main aim to outline the context of future cooperation between the STU and RMU. RMU Pittsburgh accommodates 5,100 Students at the Undergraduate and Graduate Levels and provides more than 30 Bachelor’s Degree Programs and 18 Master’s and Doctoral Degree Programs. Students of RMU are coming from over 40 states in the U.S. and 40 countries all around the world.
In accordance with our discussion during the visit of RMU representatives in February 2011 in Bratislava, we prepared three main issues for our discussion on future collaboration: MBA in the field of innovation management, study program Management of Electronic Media and Life Long Education program in the field of human resources and career advisory. The main goal is to integrate the know-ledge, experience, and know-how possessed by STU with the knowledge from RMU in order to establish new product with high added value. All three above mentioned fields were introduced from the point of view of STU and the opportunities for future collaboration were intensively discussed. RMU Pittsburgh is hosting the study programme Media Arts, covering the essential knowledge and key qualifications in the fields of graphic design, photography, web design and TV/video production. The RMU approach and philosophy concerning this study programme has been introduced previously by prof. Vladimír Burčík, who is an adjunct professor at RMU and lecturer at FFUK Bratislava.
Moreover, the essential student works and projects externalized by researchers of Institute of Management of STU and Spectra, Centre of Excellence have been presented to the guests from RMU. Among the most important showcases were e.g. students project urbanE.T. or a movie made by our students of spatial planning under the headline “City as a Personality and its reflection in Urban Semiotics”. Part of the daily programme was also an interactive presentation of students media centre MC2, based on the STU.
The most essential future goal is to elaborate common study programmes in the above mentioned fields and to start trilateral cooperation between STU Bratislava, RMU Pittsburgh and optionally University of Tian-Shen, China.