
Ružomberok, the City in the Central Slovakia, was from 31st March till 2nd April 2011 the venue of the students project under the knickname „urbanET“. The project was prepared by the students of masters study of Spatial Planning at Institute of Management, STU Bratislava and the main idea of the project is to go beyond the limits of one epizodic workshop and to introduce a long term artistic-sociologic-community based initiative dealing with the phenomena of the city as a living organism and examining various approaches toward its contemporary existence.
The project was consisting from 4 sections:
1. urbanArt – performaces, exhibitions, concerts, art in the outdoor milieu
2. urbanTrip – encounter trips, excursions, visits and tours.
3. urbanGame – various games played in the city interior (Urban golf, Urban pinball)
4. urbanEdu – workshopy, conference and streetwork organised at Ludovít Fulla gallery.