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Regional Network

Efficient and successful research of the SPECTRA Centre on the main current problems in the field of spatial development in the European context will be supported not only via bilateral collaboration but via integration in the existing and establishing of new networks. This allows the integration in the common interrelated databases for information exchange in the collaboration with the partnership institutions providing information and experience with launching similar databases, virtual and real face-to-face communication via mutual participation of the experts in the research projects, participation on networking events – conferences, workshops, elaboration of joint research projects or creating the networks of excellence.


The main instruments/activities fulfilling the above mentioned goals are as follows:

  • realisation of 2 missions from the SPECTRA Centre's partners institutions (integrated with the other WP2 and WP1 activities) focused on the mutual presentation of the partners institution's potential for collaboration and strengthening the mutual information exchange with the goal to find the optimal possibility for co-ordinated approach

Mission realised by Prof. B.D.Wood from University of Newcastle , UK has been focused on the opportunity for mutual cooperation in 6FP with exploring the opportunities of both universities in contributing to IP proposals.

Mission realised by Dr. Evelyn Gustedt from ARL Hannover, D was focused on consultation about the ethical pricniples of the planning practice and the role of planners in spatial development. These issues have been in the focus of ARL and the consultations were related to avoiding several nuissances of the planning practice.

  • Development of networking activities in planning research, planning education and planning practice via active participation and presentation of the SPECTRA Centre activities in the European network events was supported by active participation of the members of the SPECTRA Centre at several conferences leading to strengthening of the network in that area (9 visits).

At the ACSP-AESOP Congress in Leuven, (B) July 8-12 2003 “The Network Society: The New Context for Planning” of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) Prof. Finka participated with the paper giving the overview of the research and networking results of the SPECTRA Centre of the FA STU in the frame of 5FP.

The next visit was realized by Prof. Daniela Gažová who took part in the 2003 Annual conference “ Modernisation and the Evolution of Landscape Architecture Education and professional Practice” organised by the European Council of Landscape Architecture schools (ECLAS) in Lisboa, (P), 23-26 October 2003. Moreover, the visit contributed to sharing experiences among other Euroepan schools of landscape architecture in favour of strengthening the dimension of landscape in spatial planning.

The other two visits of Prof. Lubica Vitková and Jaroslav Coplák, PhD. and PhD. student Ondrej Bober at Bauhaus University in Weimar (D) 13-16 November 2003 contributed to establishing the networks of the schools delivering the PhD studies in relation to preparing the 6FP project “Enlarging Urban Research (ENLUR) to prepare PhD course in Euroepan Urban Studies. At the same time there was the 3 rd EURO Conference “The Region and The City” as part of the thematic field The European City in Transition.

Prof. Finka also took part in the network of cross-border network Bratislava – Vienna , which was held in Pama in Austria in September 2003.

The visit to the University of Tampere (FIN), Department of Social Policy and Social Work, which took place early in September 2003 was focused on evaluation of the Charter and Corporate Identity Strategy of the Centre and consultations on experience with implementation of such documents.

The visit of Prof. Dagmar Petríková and Eva Malá to the University of Florence , (I), 5-8 November was promoting the connection of the SPINET network to the 5FP project LUDA and searching for possible interconnection with the network of CABERNET.

  • Agreement about partnership with Institut fuer oekologische Raumentwicklung e.V. (IOeR) Dresden, Federal Republic of Germany in the joint leadership of the re-established Network of Central and Eastern European Spatial Research and Planning Institutes

Based on the traditional, already many years long efficient collaboration of the SPECTRA Centre with the IOeR Dresden in the field of multilateral international research project, research management and networking activities both partners decided to initiate reviving of the former MOE Network in the new Network of Central and Eastern European Spatial Research and Planning Institutes. The IOeR will as the joint partner support the management activities of the SPECTRA Centre in this Network. Under the join leadership the kick of event of this Network were prepared and the collaboration lead to the establishing of the internet based database of the thematic oriented network, which will develop as one of the activities of the Network

  • Agreement about the collaboration with the network SCEI – Slovak Centre of European Integration, led by Prof. Dohnány and Prof. Hrašková, located in the geographical centre of Europe in Kremica , Slovakia .
  • First conference “It Works or It Networks” as the kick of event of the SCEI Network. The kick of event of the Network was held in Bratislava on September 22-23, 2003 organised in the collaboration with the IOeR, Dresden (D), OSI Vienna, (A) and SCEI Network, under the auspices of Dr. Rudolf Schuster, the president of the Slovak Republic.

As a part of this scientific conference a meeting of the representatives from 42 the Central and Eastern European spatial research and planning institutes took place as the section “ The Net – intersection of Real and Virtual Network in Common European Research Space - Meeting of the Network of Spatial Research Institutes in Central and Eastern Europe.

The participants welcomed the initiative of SPECTRA Centre and IOeR and expressed their interest to take part in the activities of the Network. The details about the conference will be presented in the D 2.1.

  • Establishment of the SPINET network
  • Elaborating of The Mission Statement of the Network of Spatial Planning Research Institutes in Europe – SPINET (see the document in the enclosure)
  • Elaborating of the proposal for the short term and mid term activities of the Network (see the minutes in the enclosure)
  • Establishing of the internet based database of thematic oriented regional network and establishing the linkage with the international network databases.

One of the activities of the newly established Network is permanent exchange of the information about the current research projects elaborated by the members of the Network, research outputs and plans, possibilities for the collaboration, about the research potential of the members institutes as well as their common presentation for the research environment and for the public. Base for such exchange will be the database of the members in the Network as the thematic oriented regional database.

This database is created as the internet based database, which will be available for the Network members and partially for the public and structured as an open system, which will be easily adopted in accordance with the needs of the Network. The input data about the Spatial Research and Planning Institutes are gathered in the database (see enclosure).

  • Participation at the preparation of the projects for thematic networks of excellence in the frame of 6 FP of the EC. About this activity is reported in the D 5.1
  • Significant event of the SPECTRA PERSEUS Project supporting the networking activity of the Centre in the context of SPINET network will be the conference “Spatial Research Perspective in the Enlarged Europe” planned for June 2004.


In accordance with the Description of the Work for the SPECTRA PERSEUS Project the regional network of the research institutes focused on spatial development research was created and its activities were started. SPECTRA Centre in the collaboration with the IOeR Dresden were the initialising institution and have the leadership in the Network. For this purpose the joint partnership of the IOeR Dresden and SPECTRA Centre was established.

One of the first activities in the Network was the elaboration of the internet based database of the thematic oriented regional network, which will be developed in accordance with the needs and agreements of the members institution in the Network and made available for the members of the Network and for the public.


Minutes of the meeting „The Net – intersection of Real and Virtual Network in Common European Research Space (Meeting of the Network of Spatial Research Institutes in Central and Eastern Europe) held in Bratislava in the frame of the conference "It Works or It Networks" organised by the Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture – SPECTRA Centre of Excellence supported by the Project SPECTRA – PERSEUS EVK4-CT-2002-80006

September 23, 2003

Speakers: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Mueller, Prof. Maros Finka, PhD, Carolin Welzel, Dr. Markus Leibenath, Dr. Kaliopa Dimitrowska Andrews, Pawel Decewicz M.Sc., Dr. Milan Jerabek, Borislav Stojkov PhD

The meeting of the Network of Spatial Research Institutes in Central and Eastern Europe was held in Bratislava at Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology in the frame of the International Conference „It works or it networks“ in the collaboration with the Institut fuer Oekologische Raumentwicklung, e.V. Dresden as the former coordinator of the network of central and eastern European spatial planning and research institutes.

There were three main topics discussed during the meeting:

• The interest of the central and eastern European institutes to take part in the activities of the Network of Spatial Research Institutes in Central and Eastern Europe .

• The future of the Network of Spatial Research Institutes in Central and Eastern Europe

• Joined activities of the Network of Spatial Research Institutes

• Between Real and Virtual Net – Operationalising of the Network Vision for the years 2003 - 2005

In the broad discussion all the participants expressed their interest to develop joined activities in the frame of common network. They stressed the following facts:

  • There is a lot of similar issues or problems which could be the subject of bilateral and multilateral cooperation. The focus of our network should be on:

• transnational problems

• local specific problems for the region in which the Network operates

• with the ncessity to use the synergy of reserach potential of the Network memebers in multirateral cooperation

• with the possibility to achieve higher efficiency of the research through bilateral or multilateral cooperation

• with the possibility to support the solving of the problems via transfer of know how among the institutes involved in the Network

• transregional problems – need to be based in the joint research projects

Out of specific and transregional problems several themes were mentioned:

• development pressure

• regional development and cultural change

• reurbanisation – urban sprawl

• restructuring of large urban areas

• IT technology in spatial planning

• Concept and future of Euroregions

• Concept of bio-regions

• Cross border co-operation

• E-panning and E-management

• European planning systems

The Spectra Centre at Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and the Institute for Ecological Spatial Development in Dresden have been suggested as a „switch point“ between research institutes in the former and new EU member states. Spectra Centre will be responsible for oraganistional support of the networking activities.

Participants of the worskhop suggested several steps to be taken by the Spectra unit in cooperation with the twinning partners in the near future, mainly:

• to prepare a proposal for the declaration from this meeting with the basic information about the results and call for other institutions to take part

• to make an overview of the proposed activities of the network and to define the fields of interests

• to organise a special meeting with our twinning partners to precise the management approach

• to prepare the strategy for network for the years 2002 – 2006

• to prepare the programme for 2003 – 2005

• to precise the address book with the representatives and contact persons

• to establish a core group and the editorial board

• to prepare the mission statement with the main topics and main focus (see Enclosure 1)

• to prepare the proposals for funding (e.g. Interreg III)

The network needs a web page titled with a new name. A competion has been suggested in order to define a web page name. Participants of the meeting adressed SPECTRA Centre to prepare the mission statement of the network and to adress the spatial research institutes to take part in the networking activities.

• The Mission Statement of the Network of Spatial Planning Research Institutes in Europe - SPINET

The representatives of the spatial planning and research institutes in Central and Eastern Europe participating at the international conference "It Works or It Networks" held in September 22nd and 23rd in Bratislava the frame of the SPETRA PERSEUS Project supported by the 5th Framwork Programm of the European Commission decided to invite their colleagues from Central and Estern Europe to participate in the activities of the Network of Spatial Research Insitutes from Central and Eastern Europe.

1.Brief history

The network of spatial planning research institutes in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe was established based on German initiative of the background of the problems and tasks connected with the transformation processes in Central and Eastern Europe. In addition to holding workshops and seminars the exchange of information has been promoted among the institutes participating in the network, in particular by issuing a newsletter in which current information on events, projects, literature, staff and institutional changes, and other issues has been given.

The importance of this network for the reforming states in developing their national and transboundary spatial planning policies is described in the document “Co-operation in the Field of Spatial Planning and Urban Development Policy with the Reforming States of Central and Eastern Europe”. It has been stressed that efforts should therefore be made to integrate this network of spatial planning research institutes in Central and Eastern Europe as soon as possible into the European Commission's concept for a research network.

2. Main goals

to develop partnership relations between spatial research institutions in the Central ane Eastern Europe

  • support to the sustainable spatial development processes in Central and Eastern Europe via joint development and trasfer of know how for the spatial planning practice
  • using the synergy of spatial planning research capacities for efficient solving the problems of spatial development
  • using the potential of the collaborative approach for solving the crossborder, transregional and transnational problems of sustainable spatial development
  • support to the European cohesion via optimalisation of spatial development supported by the collaboration of the spatial planning and reseach institutes
  • support to the integration of the Central and Eastern European institutes into the common European research space

3. Vision

The Network will develop its transnational, transregional, crossborder dimensions. It should be based on partnership relations between spatial research and planning institutions – to carry out research activities, to share common vision, to have functions to build up trust and interest in co-operation, to have potential to motivaten and mobilise people. At the same time the network serves as a forum for meetings and the exchange of information.


The activities of this research network should include the following:

  • organisation of coordination meetings
  • organisation of joint conferences, seminars, workshops
  • exchange of young researchers, PhD students
  • establishing the databases of the past and running research activities
  • carrying out the joint research projects
  • preparation of spatial development practice oriented research projects on topics of common ineterest (urban/regional devbelopment, rural areas, industrialised cities, regional marketing, etc....)
  • carrying out the website of the Network
  • promotion and facilitation of networking activities through various media – online debates, journals (domestic journal of the network members)
  • to provide database about core conferences, running projects
  • joint marketing (marketing strategy elaboration)
  • to establish the database of the projects – spontaneous activities, periodical activities, systematic activity

SPINET NETWORK Regional Thematic Database - Contact data if the European transnational networks and important spatial research insitutiions


Association of European Schools of Planning – AESOP
Association de Science Regionale de Langue Francaise
Pole d Economie et de Gestion
2 Bld Gabriel BP 26611
F 21066 Dijon Cedex
Tel: 0033 3 80 39 54 11
Fax: 0033 3 80 39 54 43

European Spatial Planning Observatorium Network – ESPON
Centre de Recherche Public
Tudor Hentri
Rue de Luxembourg 66
L-4002 Esch-sur-Alzette
Tel> 00352 54 55 80 700
Fax: 00352 54 55 80 701
Email: info@espon.lu

International Society of City and Regional Planners – ISOCARP Secretariat
Willem Witsenplein 6, rm 459a
NL 2596 Bk Den Haag
Tel: 0031 703 46 26 54
Fax: 0031 703 61 79 09
Email: secretariat@isocarp.org

Nordic Centre for Spatial Development
Box 1658
SE 111 86 Stockholm
Tel: 0046 84 63 54 00
Fax: 0046 84 63 54 01
Email: Nordregio@nordregio.se

Arbeitgemeinschaft Euroaeischer Grenzregionen / AGEG
Postfach 11 64
48572 Gronau
Tel: 0049 25 62 702 19
Fax: 0049 25 627 0259

Maciejowski Marek
Baltic 21 Secretary General
Tel: +46 8 440 19 38
Fax: +46 8 411 72 84
E-mail: marek.maciejowski@cbss.st


Technische Universität Wien
Institut für Städtebau, Raumplanung u. Raumordnung
Schimak Gerhard, Prof.
Giffinger Rudolf, Prof.
Karlsplatz 13
1040 Wien
Tel: 00431-5880126031
Fax: 00431-5880126098
Email: Gschimak@pop.tuwien.ac.at

Universitaet Klagenfurt
Sauberer, Michael, Prof.Dr.
Universitaetstrasse 65/67
9020 Klagenfurt
Tel: 0043 463 2700 9201
Fax: 0043 463 2700 9299
E-mail: Michael.sauberer@uni-klu.ac.at

Universitaet Salzburg
Institut fuer Geographie und Angewandte Geoinformatik
Breuste Juergen, Prof. Dr .
Hellbrunner Str. 34/3
A 5020 Salzburg
Tel: 0043 662 80 445 226
Fax: 0043 662 80 44 525
Email: Juergen.breuste@sbg.ac.at

Karl-Francens-University of Graz
Insitute of Geography and Regional Science
Zimmermann Friedrich, Prof. PhD.
Heinrichstgrasse 36
A 8010 Graz
Tel: 0043 316 380 5135
Fax: 0043 316 380 9886
Email: Fridrich.zimmerman@kfunigraz.ac.at

Austrian Academy of Science
Institute for Urban and Regional Research
Wimmer Hannes, Dipl.Ing.
Postgasse 7/4/2
A 1010 Wien
Tel: 0043 1 51581 34 97
Fax: 0043 1 51581 3533
E-mail: hannes.wimmer@oeaw.ac.at

Oesterreichisches Institut fuer Raumplanung
Schindegger Friedrich, Dr.techn. Dipl.Ing.,
Franz-Josefs-Kai 27
A 1010 Wien
Tel: 0043 1 533 87 47 41
Fax: 0043 1 533 87 47 66
E-mail: schindegger@ior.or.at

Wirschaftuniversitaet Wien
Gesellschaft fuer Regionalforschung
Abteilung fuer Stadt und Regionalentwicklung
Rosauer Laende 23
A 1090 Wien
Tel: 0043 13 13 36 47 77
Fax: 0043 13 13 36 705

Lindengasse 61/1/VIII
1070 Wien
Tel/Fax: 0043 1 526 51 88
Email: mecca@blackbox.at


Institute for Regional and Urban Planning
Semenkevich Dmitri
Varvasheni str. 81
220 002 Minsk
Tel: + 375 17 23 40 063
Fax: + 375 17 23 40 441
E-mail: irup@infonet.by


National Centre for Regional Planning and Housing Policy
Spiridonova Julia, Dr.
Novakova Maria
Blvd. Levski 50
Tel:00359 2 9801084
Fax: 00359 2 9801084
E-mail: Julia@aster.net


Institute for Spatial Development
ÚÚR, Jakubské nám 3
60100 Brno
Tel: 00420-5-42213270
Fax: 00420-5-42210801
E-mail: rohrerova@uur.cz

Czech Technical University (CVUT)
Faculty of Architecture
Maier Karel, Prof. Ing.Arch., PhD.
Thakurova 7
166 34 Praha
Tel:00420 2 24 35 49 81
Fax: 000420 2 2431 0185
Email: maier@fanet.fa.cvut.cz

VUT Vysoke uceni technicke
Faculty of Architecture
Koutny Jan, Assoc. prof. Ing.Arch., PhD.
Porici 5
639 00 Brno
Tel: 00420 54 11 46 740
Fax: 00420 54 11 46 605
E-mail: koutny@ucit.fa.vutbr.cz

University of Economics
Department of Public Government and Regional Development
Cerna 13
120 00 Praha 2
Tel: 00420 24 09 53 93
Fax: 00420 24 91 94 40


Ministry of Environment
Fischer Helle
Hoejbro Plads 4
DK-1200 Copenhagen
Tel: 0045-33 92 59 88
Fax: 0045-33 32 22 27
E-mail: hf@mem.dk


Ministry of Environment
Maandi Jaak
Rävala 8
EE-10 143 Tallinn
Tel: + 372 627 30 43
Fax: + 372 660 46 91
E-mail: jaak.maandi@ekm.envir.ee


Ministry of the Environment
Rautsi Jussi
Kasarmikatu 25,
FIN- 0023 Helsinki
Tel: 00358 9 1603 9361
Fax: 00358 9 1603 9365
E-mail: jussi.rautsi@ymparisto.fi


IUG Universite Pierre Mendes France
Institut d'Urbanisme de Grenoble (UPMF)
Tucný Jan
Marie Reynoard Avenue 14


Federal Research Institute for Regional
Geography and Planning
Görmar Wilfried
Am Michaelshof 8
D-53177 Bonn
Tel: + 49 228 401 23 28
Fax:+49 228 401 22 60
E-mail: wilfried.goermar@bbr.bund.de

State Chancellery of the Minister-President of
the Federal State Schleswig - Holstein
Hansen Ernst
Düsternbrooker Weg 14
D-24105 Kiel
Tel: 0049- 431 988 17 38
Fax: 0049-431 988 19 63
E-mail: ernst.hansen@mlr.landsh.de

Institut für ökologische Raumentwicklung e. V.
Mueller Berhnard, Prof. Dr.
Weberplatz 1
01217 Dresden
Tel: 0049-351-4679 232
Fax: 0049-351-4679 212
E-mail: P.Wirth@ioer.de

RIS-Kompetenzzentrum für Verkehr und Logistik der Weser-Ems-Region Universität Osnabrück
Deiters Jürgen, Prof. Dr .
Seminarstraße 19a/b

Univesität Dortmund
Fakultät Raumplanung, Raumordnung und Landesplanung
Turowski Gerd, Univ.Prof.Dr.
August - Schmidt - Str. 10

Insitut fuer Regionalentwickung und Strukturplanung (IRS)
Keim Karl Dieter, Prof.Dr.
Flakenstrasse 28-31
15537 Erkner
Tel.: 0049 33 62 7930
Fax: 0049 33 62 793 111
Email: regional@irs-net.de

Deutsches Institut fuer Urbanistik (Difu)
Maeding Heinrich, Prof. Dr .
Strasse des 17. Juni 112
10623 Berlin
Tel: 0049 30 3 90 010
Fax: 0049 30 3 9001 100
Email: difu@difu.de

Deutsche Akademie fuer Staedtebau und Landesplanung
Ahuis Helmut, Prof.Dipl.Ing.
Gubener Strasse 49
10243 Berlin
Tel: 030 29 36 28 25
Fax: 030 29 36 28 26

Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Landesentwicklung und Umweltfragen
Ulrich Klaus
Postfach 81 01 40

Universitaet Kaiserslautern
Kistenmacher Hans, Prof. Dr.h.c.Dr.
Pfaffenbergstrasse 95
67663 Kaiserslautern
Tel: 0049 631 2053113
Fax: 0049 613 205 2430
Email: kistenmacher@rhrk.uni-kl.de


VATI Institute for Regional Planning
Vajdovich Visy Erszebet Dr .
Gellerthegy u. 30-32
1016 Budapest
Tel: 00361-375 0736
Fax: 00361-356 8009
E-mail: evisy@vati.hu

VATI Institute of Regional Planning
Zala György, Dr.
Gellerthegy u. 30-32
1016 Budapest
Tel: 00361-3569122
Fax: 00361-3568003
E-mail : Vati@mail.datanet.hu

West Hungarian Research Institute
Grosz András
Liszt F. u. 10
9022 Györ
Tel: 003696-516577
Fax: 003696-516579
E-mail: Grosza@edo.rkk.hu


Politechnico di Milano
Faculty of Architecture
Piazza L.da Vinci, 32
20133 Milano
Tel: 0039 2 23992500
Fax: 0039 2 2399 2502
E-mail: preside@pcsiwa.rett.polimi.it


Ministry of Finance
Spatial Planning Department
Regional Policy and Planning Directorate
Dzintra Upmace
Smilšu str. 1,
LV-1919 Riga
Tel: + 371 7 77 04 35
Fax: + 371 7 50 72 80
E-mail: dzintra.upmace@rppp.gov.lv

University of Latvia
Zaiga Krisjane, Prof.
Alberta 10
LV- 1215 Riga
Tel: 00371-7-336773
Fax: 00371-7-332707
E-mail: zkrisjan@lanet.lv

Riga City Council and University of Latvia
Ilgvars Francis
Amatu Street 4
LV -1050 Riga
Tel: 00371-7012872
E-mail: Ilgvars@atdep.rcc.lv


Ministry of the Environment
Territorial Planning, Urban Development and Architecture Department
Tišk Gintautas
Gordevicius Aleksandras

Jakšto 4/9
2694 Vilnius
Tel: + 370 5 261 16 40
Fax: + 370 5 261 53 39
E-mail: gintautas.tiskus@am.lt


Government Centre for Strategic Studies
Department of Spatial and Regional Strategies
Borsa Maciej
Toczyski Witold
Taczanowska Karolina

Wspólna str. 4
PL- 0-926 Warsawa
Tel: 0048 22 661 92 24, 661 92 25
Fax: 0048 22 628 34 54
E-mail: maciej_borsa@mail.rcss.gov.pl

Politechnika Gdanska
Wydzial architektury
Parteka, Tomasz, Ph.D.Sc.T.

Narutowicza 11/12
80 952 Gdansk
Tel: 0048 58 47 2968
Fax: 0048 58 47 1233

Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Kommunalnej
Ziobrowski Zygmunt, Prof.

Plac na Stawach 1
30-107 Krakow
Tel: 0048 12 4225310
Email: zziobro@cyf-kr.edu.pl

Technical University of Lodz
Institute of Architecture and Town Planning
Szymanski Przemyslaw
Al. Politechniki 6A
90-924 Lodz
Tel: 004842-6313545
Fax: 004842-6367873
E-mail: Pszymarc@P.Lodz.pl

GIT Department Institute of Physical Planning and Municipal Economy
Decewicz Pawel M. Sc.
Wysocka Elzbieta
Krzywickiego St. 9


Serban Nadejde, Ph.D.
Pantea Dorottya
N. Filipescu 53-55
70136 Bukarest
Tel: 00401-2117842
Fax: 00401-2114906
E-mail: Urban@fx.ro


Institut Eurograd
Izmaylovsky pr.14 pb 378
198005 St. Petersbug
Tel: 007 8 12 3 17 85 86
Fax: 007 8 123 17 85 86
Email: eurograd@peterling.ru

Kaliningrad International Committee on Spatial development BSR
Mr Veniamin Eremeev

Sovietsky Prospect 18
236000 Kalingrad
Tel: 007 0112 27 25 17
Fax: 007 0112 27 25 75
E-mail: sppi@rol.ru

University of Kaliningrad
Department of Regional Planning
Korneyevets Valentin

A. Nevsky st. 14
236041 Kaliningrad
Tel: + 7- 0112-46 59 02.
Fax: +7-0112-46 58 13 or 33 83 22
E-mail: korn@admin.albertina.ru

ICSER Leontief Centre
Ms Irina Karelina

190 000 St. Petersburg
per. Antonenko 6
Tel: +7-812 314 41 19
Fax: +7-812-319 98 14
E-mail: karelina@leontief.spb.su

Krasilnikova, Elina Euardovna

Rokosovskogo 1b
400131 Volgograd
Tel: 007 8442 329 643
Fax: 007 8442 328 455
Email: postmaster@volggasa.org


Slovak University of Technolgy
Faculty of Architecture
Finka Maros, Prof. Ing.Arch., PhD.

Námestie Slobody 19
812 43 Bratislava
Tel: 00421 2 57294323
Fax: 00421 2 52921533
E-mal: finka@fa.stuba.sk

SPECTRA Centre of Excellence
Petrikova Dagmar

Námestie Slobody 19
81243 Bratislava
Tel: 00421 2 57294323
Fax: 00421 2 57294323
E-mail: petrikova@fa.stuba.sk

Hrdina Vojtech

Dúbravská cesta 9
84104 Bratislava
Tel: 004217-54789502
Fax: 004217-54789504
E-mail: hrdina@aurex.sk

Slovak Environmental Agency Banská Bystrica
Territorial Development Department
Krsáková Anna

Tajovského str.28
97590 Banská Bystrica

Slovak Environmental Agency URBION Bratislava
Krumpolcová Maria, Dipl. Ing.

Hanulova 9/A

Austrian Institute for Eastern and Southeastern Europe
Expositure Bratislava

Zigrai Florin, Prof. Dr .
Gondova 2
818 01 Bratislava
Tel: 00421 2 52924310
Email: ruvje@fhil.uniba.sk


Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
Dimitrovska Andrews Kaliopa, Dr.
Ploštajner Zlata
Trnovski Pristan 2
1127 Ljubljana
Tel: 00386-014201300
Fax: 00386-014201330
E-mail: Kalio p a.dimitrovska@urbinstitut.si

Filozofska fakulteta
Pak Mirko, prof.Dr.

Askerceva 2
1000 Ljubljana
Tel: 00386 1 241 12 23
Fax: 00386 1 425 93 37
Emai: mirko.pak@ff.uni-lj.si


Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communication
Lundgren Olle
S-103 33 Stockholm
Tel: 0046 8 405 30 73
Fax: 0046 8 20 31 27
E-mail: olle.lungdren@industry.ministry.se
The Swedish National Board of Housing Building and Planning
Troedson Ulf

Box 534
S-371 23 Karlskrona
Tel: 0046 455 353 182
Fax: 0046 455 353 100
E-mail: ulf.troedson@boverket.se


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Rudenko Leonid, Prof.
Gukalova Irina, Dr.

Volodymyrska ul. 44
252003 Kiew
Tel: 0038044-2245193
Fax: 0038044-2243230
E-mail: Rudenko@geogr.freenet.kiev.ua

Galushkina Tatiana

Frantsuski boul. 29
65044 ODESSA
Tel: 00380 482 22 66 11