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Conference of EYPF in Mannheim (12th – 13th October 2010)

Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL) Hannover are co-organizing the international conference of European Young Professionals´Forum under the headline Challenges of European Spatial Development: Young Professionals´ and Researchers´ Perspectives on 12th-13th October 2010 in Mannheim.


CUPA Implementation Lab Bratislava

Municipality of Bratislava and International Intervision Institute from Doesburg, the Netherlands organised in 20th – 22nd September 2010 a workshop CUPA Implementation Lab Bratislava. The event was devoted to theory and practise of co-operative urban planning approaches. Austrian Newspaper 'Der Standard' printed (22nd September) an interview with the chief architect of Bratislava, prof. Š. Šľachta, where he states that it is necessary to inform him about the CUPA workshop and the outcomes. Spectra, Centre of Excellence was represented by dr. Matej Jaššo and his presentation under the title: 7 years of Centrope region: Critical Review on Vision, Identity and Branding.

Proceeding of the project Spectra+ within the years 2009-2010

Project ITMS 26240120002 SPECTRA+, Centre of Excellence for the Settlement Infrastructure Development of the Knowledge Based Society has been implemented since May 2009. This period was focused on the preparation of the contracting the 6 technological platforms for all 4 participating partners. STU Bratislava covered this process on behalf of all partners. The evaluation of public tender was made in July 2010, the legal agreement was signed in October 2010. Nowadays, the fullfilment of the contract is going on.


Visit of representatives of RMU University Pittsburgh at Spectra, Centre of Excellence (13th – 17th June 2011).

Representatives of RMU University Pittsburgh, led by prof. Fred Kohun, visited the Institute of Management STU and Spectra, Centre of Excellence during the week from 13th-till 17th June 2011. The visit  was prepared with the main aim to outline the context of future cooperation between the STU and RMU. RMU Pittsburgh accommodates 5,100 Students at the Undergraduate and Graduate Levels and provides more than 30 Bachelor’s Degree Programs and 18 Master’s and Doctoral Degree Programs. Students of RMU are coming from over 40 states in the U.S. and 40 countries all around the world.


The City of Bratislava and Spectra, Centre of Excellence organised on 8th November a local conference within the European research project POLYCE.

The aim of the event was to bring together local and regional stakeholders in order to discuss about preliminary project results and strategies developed for the city of Bratislava. Among the audience there were representatives of the city of Bratislava, municipalities, spatial planning research bodies and business related to spatial development.


City festival urban E.T., Rača 1st June 2012

Spectra, Centre of Excellence is the Official Partner of unique City festival urban E.T., which will be held in municipality of Rača from 1st June till 3rd June 2012. The festival programme is consisting from artistic and interactive interventions into the urban space, exhibitions, movie projections, workshops, urban games, concerts and performances, discussions and conference.


With Planning Toward Environment of High Quality, 19th April 2012 in Agrokomplex Nitra

Spectra, Centre of Excellence is one of the co-organizers of scientific workshop under the title "With Planning Toward Environment of High Quality" The event will be held on 19th April 2012 at 10,00 AM in Agrokomplex Nitra, pavilon K, during the exposition GARDENIA and DomEXPO. For Spectra, Centre of Excellence, the following members will have a speech: prof. M.Finka will refer on revitalization of brownfields, ing. M. Baloga will focus on the public participation within the planning  process and ing. M.Schweigert will introduce the project urbanE.T. Additional public discussion on spatial planning will be a part of the official programme


Spectra, Centre of Excellence is inviting you to the Student's exhibition

under the motto "Institute of Management, that is us...", which is planned to be held on Tuesday, 17th April 2012, 5:00 PM  at Institute of Management STU, Vazovova street 5, room Nr. UC 301


URBIS WATCH - Bezpečnosť ako kvalita priestoru

SPECTRA Centre of Excellence sa venuje problematike tvorby bezpečných miest s dôrazom na  komplexnosť, preto sa zameriava na všetky základné prvky urbánneho priestoru, ktorými sú:

  • verejné priestory, uličné priestory a budovy, športoviská, parky, plochy zelene, pasáže;
  • obyvatelia rôzneho veku, pohlavia, sociálneho statusu a ich komunity;
  • technické prvky (dopravné systémy, systém osvetlenia, regulačné prvky prístupu, protipovodňové hrádze, orientačné prvky);
  • organizačné a inštitucionálne prvky (susedstvá, mestská polícia, občianske iniciatívy, zväzy a združenia atď.).

Metropolitan Development in Central Europe

On June 1st, the „Metropolitan Development in Central Europe“ conference – the final event of the ESPON project POLYCE – took place at the Vienna University of Technology. In the morning political representatives of Bratislava, Ljubljana, Prague and Vienna gave a press conference about the development of Central European Capitals. In the afternoon POLYCE researchers presented their findings about metropolitan development. City representatives discussed recommendations for smart Central European Metropolises.