Urban safety as an environmental quality - addresses not only physical but also psychological importance of safety for humans in the urban environment. In recent project URBAN SAFETY AS ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, developed in the collaboration with Government council for Crime Prevention and District authority in Trenčín, a unique methodology for the assessment of urban safety with special focus on environmental safety in Slovak conditions is currently being designed in the whole complexity.
Although the practical part of the project is linked to a specific city it is expected that other cities and towns will join the initiative in the near future. Based on the developed methodic it should be possible to assess and evaluate of urban safety and incorporate local specifics in different categories of settlements and propose appropriate measures for its improvements.
- Urban safety as environmental quality
- Trenčín - safety place for all
For more information: www.urbiswatch.sk
Ing. Vladimír Ondrejička, PhD.
email: vladimir.ondrejicka@stuba.sk
mobil: 0917/669 167
Urban Safety - Introduction (project - Urban safety as environmental quality)
Urban safety as environmental quality - case study of Trenčín city (publication - Slovak version)
Selected problems of urban safety - didactic text (publication - Slovak version)