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Summer School 2009

Vienna and Bratislava as landscape ecological case studies in urban planning and management
Bratislava, Slovakia, July 6 – 11, 2009

Lectures of visiting professors from University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Institute of City, Regional and Environmental Planning (IATEUR), France.

Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management were the hosting venue for the lectures of visiting professors from University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Institute of City, Regional and Environmental Planning (IATEUR), France. The lectures have been held on Monday, 22nd March 2010 and were focused on current practice of spatial planning in France. Prof. Marie Delaplace was reffering on High-speed rail, service innovations and urban and business tourisms development and prof. Marcel Bazin introduced ANRU programmes for refurbishing social housing estates in France. The event was attended by the members of Spectra Centre and the students of Spatial planning programmes acredited at Institute of Management.

Days for Public at SPECTRA

Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management (where Spectra is based) have organised two Days for Public. The first event has been held on Monday, 1st March 2010 in Training Centre of Spectra in Poprad, followed by the 2nd event, public presentation of Spectra and Institute of Management, held on Thursday 4th March 2010 in Spectra Centre in Bratislava. The main goal of both events was to introduce the acredited study programmes based on the Institute of Management, with special emphasis on Spatial planning. In academic year 2010/11 there will be the following study programmes available: spatial planning in bachelor, master and PhD. study, construction economics in masters study and sectoral and branch economics in PhD. study.



Period: 2009-2011
Project Coordinator: Maurizio Tira, University of Brescia, Italy
Representative of Spectra, Centre of Excellence: Prof. Ing. Koloman Ivanička, PhD.


Programme of cross-border cooperation Slovakia-Austria 2007-2013 – Creating the Future
Period: 2009-2011
Project Coordinator: Michael Rosenberger, Magistrat Wien, Austria.
Representative of Spectra, Centre of Excellence: Prof. Ing. Arch. Maroš Finka, PhD.

Image of the City

On 10-11th May 2010, the Cultural Contact Point of Slovakia is organizing the conference „Image of the City“. More than 50 years after the legendary book of Kevin Lynch, the cities overcome immense process of transformation, which heavily influenced their identities and city images. Many examples of creative effort have been shown in recent years and many cities achieved remarkable results in terms of their marketing, presentation and visual imagery. The conference Image of The City would like to focus on the role of today’s cities as centres of production, culture or thinking. Spectra, Centre of Excellence will be represented by Matej Jaššo´s contribution on Urban Semiotics. The entire event is devoted to the 25th anniversary of European Capital of Culture. The hosting venue is Dvorana VŠMU, Zochova Street 1, Bratislava. Read more at

CUPA Implementation Lab Bratislava

Municipality of Bratislava and International Intervision Institute from Doesburg, the Netherlands organised in 20th – 22nd September 2010 a workshop CUPA Implementation Lab Bratislava. The event was devoted to theory and practise of co-operative urban planning approaches. Austrian Newspaper 'Der Standard' printed (22nd September) an interview with the chief architect of Bratislava, prof. Š. Šľachta, where he states that it is necessary to inform him about the CUPA workshop and the outcomes. Spectra, Centre of Excellence was represented by dr. Matej Jaššo and his presentation under the title: 7 years of Centrope region: Critical Review on Vision, Identity and Branding.


Ružomberok, the City in the Central Slovakia, will be from 31st March till 2nd April 2011 the venue of the students project under the knickname „urbanET“. The project is being prepared by the students of masters study of Spatial Planning at Institute of Management, STU Bratislava and the main idea of the project is to go beyond the limits of one epizodic workshop and to introduce a long term artistic-sociologic-community based initiative dealing with the phenomena of the city as a living organism and examining various approaches toward its contemporary existence. The project is aproaching the public audience with the aim to teach to perceive the city as one of the most versatile and manifold structure of our social reality and introducing the architecture and urban design as something unique and extraordinary. The project would like to enrich the everyday dully routines in the contact with city with series of happenings, events, trips, lectures and encounters within the urban environment. The main challenge is to evoke the need for participation, enhancing the social contacts and redefine the old mental maps of the participating inhabitants. More at


Ružomberok, the City in the Central Slovakia, was from 31st March till 2nd April 2011 the venue of the students project under the knickname „urbanET“. The project was prepared by the students of masters study of Spatial Planning at Institute of Management, STU Bratislava and the main idea of the project is to go beyond the limits of one epizodic workshop and to introduce a long term artistic-sociologic-community based initiative dealing with the phenomena of the city as a living organism and examining various approaches toward its contemporary existence.