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MUNISS 2017 Bratislava 01

MUNISS 2017 Bratislava 02

MUNISS 2017 Bratislava 03

Final event of the MUNISS project (31st May 2017)

Spectra, Centre of Excellence, City of Bratislava, City of Brno and Slovak University of Technology (STU) were co-organizing the final workshop within the MUNISS project. The event was held at 31st May 2017. The official part (presentation of students work) was held from 10.00 AM in the Mirror Hall of the Mucipal Office of Bratislava. Second part of the programme, starting at 13,00 PM, was externalised in form of the happening in the Obchodná street, in front of the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Presentations of the students work, public discussion (Mr. I. Nesrovnal, mayor of the City of Bratislava, Mr. Kacer, Mayor of the City of Brno, prof. M.Finka, Head of the Spectra, Centre of Excellence and I.Konrád, chief architect of the City of Bratislava), planning game and various other activities belonged to the highlights of the event.

23rd November 2017 - The lecture of PhDr.Peter Pleva, speaker and preventionist of the Municipal Police Department of City of Bratislava

Spectra, Centre of Excellence was on 23rd November 2017 the venue of the lecture of PhDr.Peter Pleva, speaker and preventionist of the Municipal Police Department of City of Bratislava. Dr.Pleva met the students of spatial planning master course and dedicated his presentation to problems of public safety policy with relation to specific citizens groups in the territory of Bratislava. His contribution was focused on the specifics of endangered social groups, issues related to street working and best examples from the municipal level practice. Students appreciated the following discussion. Spectra, Centre of Excellence is looking forward to future cooperation.

TRANSGREEN project working meeting 22nd-23rd of January 2018

"Spectra, Centre of Excellence was during 22nd-23rd of January 2018 a venue of TRANSGREEN project working meeting.   Experts from fields connected to integrated transport planning congregated in Bratislava to focus on developing a key TRANSGREEN output: the Guidelines on Integrated Transport Development. Seven countries were represented in the meeting, showing the high interest in bringing input in a document that would influence the way transport planning is done in the CEE region.


Day for Public, 15th February 2018, at Spectra, Centre of Excellence

Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management STU (where Spectra is based) will organise Day for Public. This event will be held on Thursday, 15th February 2018 in Spectra Centre in Bratislava (Vazovova 5, room 5-1, 5th floor) at 1.00 PM. The main goal of the event is to introduce the acredited study programmes of the Institute of Management, with special emphasis on Spatial planning. Showcases of the work of the current students ("City as a Personality") will be included. We are looking forward to meet you at Spectra, Centre of Excellence.


Dňa 23.1.2018 o 17.00 sa v bratislavskom Klube architektov na Panskej 15 uskutočnil študentský filmový večer na tému „Mesto ako osobnosť a jej priemet v urbánnej sémiotike“. Podujatie bolo venované projekcii 5 filmov o slovenských mestách, ktoré vznikli ako výstup z experimentálneho ateliéru Projekt priestorového plánovania II študentov odboru Priestorové plánovanie na Ústave manažmentu STU.


Prof. Finka guest speaker in the development workshop in Kandy City (Sri Lanka)

Professor Maroš Finka, an expert who worked with UN Habitat III, and Head of SPECTRA – Center of Excellence of the European Union and Director of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, was the guest speaker in the Kandy City (Sri Lanka) development workshop under the auspieces of World Bank’s Sri Lanka Strategic Cities Development Project. Under the project, urban services and public urban spaces are to be improved in the city. This includes traffic improvements, such as the rehabilitation of selected by-pass roads, and establishment and improvements of selected public transport facilities and traffic management measures. The project involves the augmentation and rehabilitation of the municipal water supply system; rehabilitation of major drains; urban upgrading, including the improvement of selected streetscapes and public spaces. It also aims to restore and repurpose historic and landmark buildings. Professor Finka drew the attention of planners to the environment and the heritage. „Current trends in the management and planning processes show the growing importance of landscape planning, especially after 2000“ underlined prof. Finka.