Students of Institute of Management of STU utilised their skills for SMART Bratislava and Brno

Institute of Management STU in colaboration with City of Bratislava, City of Brno and Masaryk University in Brno have prepared the 6th edition of international student competition MUNISS. It is a platform where the students from both cities share their creative ideas for urban development of respective cities.
The initial kick-off meeting of MUNISS project has been launchen at 30th. November and 1st December 2016 in Brno. The meeting was a prelude to official summit of Political Council of CENTROPE region, which has been externalised at 30th November in Brno. The main goal of MUNISS project is to interlink the education with practice activities, to deepen the cooperation between partner universities and the cities of Bratislava and Brno.
The Slovak team has been represented by students of Faculty of Architecture (architecture and urban design) and Institute of Management of STU (spatial planners). „We are confident that the educational background of our students is the important contribution toward the succesful results and general yields of the project. We are looking forward for proposals, the creative ideas and original approaches of our student teams. It is possible that their solution will be externalised in the planning practice, helping making both Brno and Bratislava more SMART...“ – explained Dr. Vladimír Ondrejička, Project coordinator from STU Bratislava.
The students consider this opportunity as highly motivating. M.Gregor, student of STU Bratislava (spatial planning) elaborates further on: „Involvement in the MUNISS project means involvement in processing imrproving the spaces for our everyday life. We would like to use our skills and knowledge for practice life.“. M. Hajduk, PhD student of STU Bratislava highlighted the added value of the mutual cooperation of Bratislava and Brno student teams: „The idea of involvement of the students from Bratislava and Brno is highly interesting. They are not mere observers but they can actively change the things...This is a very clever step from both municipal offices (Brno and Bratislava) and I will gladly join this initiative...“.