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“The Efficiency of Knowledge Based Society"

The topic „knowledge based society“ can be understandable as an overall issue that combines numerous ways and dimensions in spatial development. On its own it is a manifestation through the particular local, regional, European and global development trends in the fields of economy, work and life. The phenomenon of the knowledge based society is linked with space and time. This leads to an extensive understanding of expressions „knowledge based society“ and „spatial development“. Today the knowledge is the most important competition and development factor.


The 6th LUDA workshop and 2nd Conference (1st- 4th December 2004)

The 6th LUDA workshop and 2nd Conference „Sharing Experiences – Developing Strategies for Large Urban Distressed Areas“ was externalised within 1st- 4th December 2004 in the Seminar Hotel St. Virgil in Salzburg. SPECTRA, Centre of Excellence is one of the Project Partners and took essential part on this event. The entire event was devoted to the recognition of the experience diversity in management of large urban distressed areas in European cities and the aspects of the dimensions of the quality of life in these areas.


Competition of Cities: Chances and Risks of Cooperation

The conference Competition of Cities: Chances and Risks of Cooperation has been held on the 3 rd and 4 th of March 2005 in Bratislava and was organised by SPECTRA, Centre of Excellence. Competition of the Cities is the title of one of the working groups of ARL, led by prof. Rudolf Giffinger from TU Vienna. This event was an outstanding opportunity to present current research results of the above mentioned working group, as well as contributions from other experts. Each paper presented on the conference was evaluated and commented by independent evaluator. The monography dedicated to Competition and cooperation of the cities is supposed to be released in this year.


ERASMUS Spatial Development Network Meeting in Milan

On the 28th-29th January 2005 SPECTRA, Centre of Excellence took the part in ERASMUS Spatial Development Network Meeting in Milan. This event was organised by University of Milano-Bicoca, Faculty of sociology. SPECTRA is member of ERASMUS network since 1999, developing the contacts and exchange programmes with several European universities e.g. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Politechnica Madrid, Universitaet Dortmund.


The 7th LUDA workshop „Sharing Experiences – Developing Strategies for Large Urban Distressed Areas"

The 7th LUDA workshop „Sharing Experiences – Developing Strategies for Large Urban Distressed Areas“ was held on 20th- 21st May 2005 in the Faculty of Architecture, STU in Bratislava. SPECTRA, Centre of Excellence is one of the Project Partners and took essential part on this event, both in organisational as well as in scientifical field. The entire event was devoted to various experiences in terms of urban management of large urban distressed areas in European cities, Bratislava-Raca including.


ECLAS 2006 - Cultural dimension of urban landscape

The annual conference of ECLAS member universities (European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools) was held at the Faculty of Architecture in Bratislava on September 20-24, 2006.



The Training Division was established in Poprad on October 1st 2006 as corporate division of The Instutute of Urbanism, The Institute of Design and SPECTRA – Centre of Ecellence at the Faculty of Architecture. The Division became an administrative part of SPECTRA.


Corporate Mission

The Centre with its activities contributes to economic, social and cultural integration in Europe. By permanent research and proposals of the solutions for optimisation of spatial structures of settlements it helps to meet the objectives of sustainable spatial development, management and planning as well as to balancing regional disparities, improving quality of life and strengthening of social equity in Europe.


History of the centre

There is a long and rich tradition and history in the research of spatial development in Bratislava, represented before all by the Faculty of Architecture STU and the URBION Institute. URBION, already in the times of the former CSSR, belonged to the outstanding research units in the field of urbanism and town and country planning which can be proved by missions of its professionals in the countries of Europe, Africa and Central America. Many of its staff collaborated with the FA STU, thus strengthening its research potential.



The Spectra, Centre of Excellence, is a training and research Centre, focused on generating and transfer of know-how and professional training in the field of spatial planning