This Centre concentrates the capacities working on the topic of smart urban development with special focus on smart land-use and smart structures for urban development.
The project „Circular Flow Land Use Management“ (CircUse) has 12 project partners and 3 associated partners from 6 countries are working together in the CircUse project. This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF. With regard to the smart cities approach the project is dealing with current issues as massive urban sprawl, current economic crisis, and effects of demographic change mainly in Europe. Factors mentioned cause unfavourable land use patterns which are neither competitive nor sustainable. The project aims to face and find solutions for those problems using the concept of “Circular Flow Land Use Management” on the pilot projects.
For more information see: http://www.circuse.eu/
The Lifelong Education Project BROWNTRANS – Brownfield Regeneration Know-How Transfer is a consortium based on 3 universities (STU in Bratislava SK, VSB Ostrava CZ, and TU IASI RO), 2 NGOs (IURS Prague, CZ, Bulgarian Development Agency in Sofia, BG) and 2 professional chambers from Slovakia (SKSI, SAS). Smart cities concept is based on the continuous process of learning and improvement of the knowledge in many fields. Brownfields, perceived as abandoned or underused land within urban fabric which requires intervention to be returned to beneficial use, are still predominant features in urban areas and an issue still worth to be considered as in the research so in the application. The objective of the project is to accelerate gaining of such a local know-how and supply it where it can be most pertinent - that is to the local practicing professionals.
For more information see: browntrans.vsb.cz
This project elaborated together with Vienna Magistrate and Magistrate of the City of Bratislava is focused on the research of smart settlement structures for future urban development in Central European metropolises with special focus on dwelling structures. The output is a catalogue of housing development types potentially suitable for urban expansion ventures in the Vienna/Bratislava region. Project was supported by ERDF EU.
- METSID – Methodology for complex urban revitalisation of housing districts.
This project supported by the Ministry for Transport, Construction and Regional Development deals with the problem of smart urban revitalisation with special focus on big housing complexes from the second half of XX century. The output should be the methodology for their complex revitalisation including block of flats, public and semi-public spaces, social and technical infrastructure.
Ing. Ľubomír Jamečný
email: lubomir.jamecny@stuba.sk
mobil: 0908/152123