INSPIRATION is built on very close interaction with relevant actors in the soil, land use and land management fields. They are involved in formulating the Strategic Research Agenda and its implementation models throughout by participating in the national “demand identification” workshops. The stakeholders involved in INSPIRATION workshops will be encouraged to act as ambassadors for Strategic Research Agenda dissemination and implementation – that after all reflects the needs and demands expressed by the stakeholders themselves.
INSPIRATION has identified key individuals to act as National Focal Points (NFP) as an innovative way to mobilize all relevant actors, increase policy coherence, resolve trade-offs, manage conflicting interests, increase participation of citizens in decision-making and improve public awareness and business uptake of research results across the entire European Union. National workshops convened by each NFP will bring together each country’s most relevant funders, end users and researchers in soil, land use and land management related to the above mentioned challenges, and thereby focussing on the relevant issues explained in the workpackage descriptions.
The National Focal Point has to organize at national level a 2-day workshop, where the collated information (national key stakeholder interviews and desk-exercise) will be reviewed and synthesized and prioritized by the national key stakeholders, under NFP guidance.
Deliverables of the project
D 4.3: Európska strategická výskumná agenda pre integrované priestorové plánovanie, využitie územia a manažment pôdy
INSPIRATION activities in Slovakia
V rámci projektu č. 642372: Výskumné opatrenia pre integrované priestorové plánovanie, využívanie zeme a manažment pôdy (INSPIRATION) podporeného programom HORIZONT 2020 Európskej únie sa uskutočnili v mesiaci október 2015 3 národné workshopy v mestách Bratislava, Ružomberok, Zvolen. Cieľom workshopov bola diskusia s relevantnými stakeholdermi za účelom pripravy výskumnej stratégie Európskej únie pre problematiku manažmentu územia a pôdy v aktuálnych spoločenských výzvach. Workshopy prispejú k formulovaniu potrieb slovenskej praxe a akademickej komunity na aktuálny stav poznatkovej z transferu know-how a potreby ďalšieho výskumu.
- The national workshop in Bratislava 8.10.2015
- The national workshop in Ružomberok 12.10.2015
- The national workshop in Zvolen 16.10.2015
INSPIRATION leader and core team in Slovakia
SPECTRA Centre of Excellence EU is INSPIRATION project partner in Slovakia with following core team:
prof. Maroš Finka | leader of the team |
prof. Mária Kozová | contribution to the WP3 | Tatiana Kluvánková | contribution to the WP3 |
RNDr. Zita Izakovičová, PhD. | contribution to the WP3 |
doc. RNDr. Eva Pauditšová, PhD. | contribution to the WP3 |
Dr. Ľubomír Jamečný | contribution to the WP3 |
Dr. Vladimír Ondrejička | contribution to the WP3 |