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prof. Maroš Finka - short bio

Maroš Finka

president of Association of European Schools of Planning, professor of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia and at Shanghai Jiao Tong Univerisity, China, Expert of UN Habitat III and Ministry for Investment, Regional Development and Innovations of SR, director of SPECTRA Centre of Excellence of th EU at STU in Bratislava.



The SaveGREEN project: Safeguarding the functionality of transnationally important ecological corridors in the Danube basin

standard logo - light green ink-BIG

Project is set to work on the critical theme of ecological corridors in the Carpathian and further mountain ranges of the Danube region.

Currently, eco-corridors are threatened by the lack of adequate planning of economic development initiatives. Linear transport infrastructure, urban development, intensive agricultural, forestry, and water management practices can interrupt ecological corridors, cause traffic-deaths, and lower the reproductive success of key species and the effectiveness of ecosystem services we all depend on.

Therefore, building on the key results of previous Interreg DTP projects — i.e. TRANSGREEN, ConnectGREEN and HARMON — the SaveGREEN project will identify, collect, and promote the best solutions for safeguarding ecological corridors — including monitoring the impact of mitigation measures. Thus, basing its work on integrated planning, it will help derive proper recommendations for follow-up actions and policy design. 

V rámci projektu ConnectGREEN, ktorý sa zameriava na obnovu a manažment biokoridorov v horských regiónoch povodia Dunaja, vznikla aktivita zameraná aj na deti a mládež. Štátna ochrana prírody SR spoločne s partnermi – WWF Slovensko, Slovenská agentúra životného prostredia a SPECTRA Centrum Excelencie EÚ pri STU v Bratislave, spúšťajú video súťaž s názvom „Konektivita pre všetkých“.



Interreg SK-HU

Hospodársky rast a rozvoj mestských aglomerácií Bratislavy a Győru v posledných desaťročiach prekračuje štátne hranice. Ovplyvňuje tak aj prírodné prostredie na oboch stranách hranice. Susediace oblasti Žitný ostrov (Csallóköz) na Slovensku a Szigetköz (Malý Žitný ostrov) v Maďarsku majú veľký význam z hľadiska ochrany prírody a eko-turistiky. Obe strany prihraničnej oblasti sú bohaté na prírodné, kultúrne a krajinné bohatstvo. Podobné však majú nielen hodnoty, ale aj problémy. Niektoré súvisia s vodným hospodárstvom a udržateľným využívaním prírodných zdrojov, iné s rozvojom miest a obcí v suburbánnom priestore a s kvalitou mestského prostredia. Conference "21st year of 21st century - Western Balkans’ Challenge of Common Future"

Members of Spectra Centra (prof. M.Finka, M.Jaššo, dr.M.Husár) took part in international Conference "21st year of 21st century - Western Balkans’ Challenge of Common Future" which was organized in Belgrade (21-22 September 2021) by University of Belgrade and Wetern Balkan Network.


Spectra Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management STU will organise Day for Public 24th February 2022

Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management STU (where Spectra is based) will organise Day for Public. This event will be held on Thursday, 24th February 2022 at 1,00 PM online (see the link in the picture). The main goal of the event is to introduce the accredited study programmes of the Institute of Management . Showcases of the work of the current students, ERASMUS experiences and discussion about study will be in the spotlight. We are looking forward to meet you at Spectra, Centre of Excellence.