Brownfields in Baltic States
CZ/08/LLP-LdV/TOI/134005: “Brownfields in Baltic States”
Education Project from programme: Lifelong Learning Program - Multilateral Project Transfer of Innovation Leonardo da Vinci II
Period: 2008-2010
Project Coordinator: Doc. Ing. B. Vojvodíková, PhD., VUB Ostrava, Czech Republic
Representative of Spectra, Centre of Excellence: Doc. PhDr. Dagmar Petríková, PhD.
The main burden of regeneration of brownfields is the lack of knowledge among the concerned stakeholders and lack of educational programmes. This project, coordinated by VUB Ostrava, is generating useful tools and products: handbook, educational course of 8 hours and manual for teachers in english language. STU respresented by Spectra, Centre of Excellence is a project partner responsible for 3 chapters of the handbook and 3 modules of educational course. Specific version of handbook for Baltic states will be translated in the languages of participating partners (TU Kaunas, Lithuania and TU Rezekne, Latvia). Among the main goals of the project there are the acceleration of the abilities to steer sustainable city development, dissemination of know-how of brownfield regeneration and lecturing the education courses in Baltic states.