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Days for Public at SPECTRA

Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management (where Spectra is based) have organised two Days for Public. The first event has been held on Monday, 1st March 2010 in Training Centre of Spectra in Poprad, followed by the 2nd event, public presentation of Spectra and Institute of Management, held on Thursday 4th March 2010 in Spectra Centre in Bratislava. The main goal of both events was to introduce the acredited study programmes based on the Institute of Management, with special emphasis on Spatial planning. In academic year 2010/11 there will be the following study programmes available: spatial planning in bachelor, master and PhD. study, construction economics in masters study and sectoral and branch economics in PhD. study.


Annual working meeting of SPA-CE.net (13th-15th September 2009)


On 13th-15th September 2009, Spectra, Centre of Excellence was a venue of annual working meeting of SPA-CE.net. SPA-CE.net is a network of European research bodies providing spatial planning education and research activities.


The 24th AESOP Annual Conference ”Space is a Luxury” in Helsinki, Finland

Members of Spectra, Centre of Excellence will participate on the 24th AESOP Annual Conference ”Space is a Luxury” in Helsinki, Finland, 7th-10th July 2010. prof. Maros Finka, Head of the Spectra Centre and MS Lubomir Jamecny will present paper with the title „The Territorial Agenda as an opportunity in enlarged EU?”. Assoc. Prof. Dagmar Petrikova will refer on a new curriculum for a joint diploma of ”Master in Spatial Planning”, prepared by the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Institute IATEUR and STU Bratislava, Institute of Management, Department of Spatial Planning. Her paper is named ”Joint Innovation in Spatial Planning Curriculum. More at http://aesop2010.tkk.fi/.

Image of the City

On 10-11th May 2010, the Cultural Contact Point of Slovakia is organizing the conference „Image of the City“. More than 50 years after the legendary book of Kevin Lynch, the cities overcome immense process of transformation, which heavily influenced their identities and city images. Many examples of creative effort have been shown in recent years and many cities achieved remarkable results in terms of their marketing, presentation and visual imagery. The conference Image of The City would like to focus on the role of today’s cities as centres of production, culture or thinking. Spectra, Centre of Excellence will be represented by Matej Jaššo´s contribution on Urban Semiotics. The entire event is devoted to the 25th anniversary of European Capital of Culture. The hosting venue is Dvorana VŠMU, Zochova Street 1, Bratislava. Read more at www.ccp.sk

Lectures of visiting professors from University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Institute of City, Regional and Environmental Planning (IATEUR), France.

Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management were the hosting venue for the lectures of visiting professors from University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Institute of City, Regional and Environmental Planning (IATEUR), France. The lectures have been held on Monday, 22nd March 2010 and were focused on current practice of spatial planning in France. Prof. Marie Delaplace was reffering on High-speed rail, service innovations and urban and business tourisms development and prof. Marcel Bazin introduced ANRU programmes for refurbishing social housing estates in France. The event was attended by the members of Spectra Centre and the students of Spatial planning programmes acredited at Institute of Management.

Summer School 2009

Vienna and Bratislava as landscape ecological case studies in urban planning and management
Bratislava, Slovakia, July 6 – 11, 2009


ECLAS 2006 - Cultural dimension of urban landscape

The annual conference of ECLAS member universities (European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools) was held at the Faculty of Architecture in Bratislava on September 20-24, 2006.


The 7th LUDA workshop „Sharing Experiences – Developing Strategies for Large Urban Distressed Areas"

The 7th LUDA workshop „Sharing Experiences – Developing Strategies for Large Urban Distressed Areas“ was held on 20th- 21st May 2005 in the Faculty of Architecture, STU in Bratislava. SPECTRA, Centre of Excellence is one of the Project Partners and took essential part on this event, both in organisational as well as in scientifical field. The entire event was devoted to various experiences in terms of urban management of large urban distressed areas in European cities, Bratislava-Raca including.


ERASMUS Spatial Development Network Meeting in Milan

On the 28th-29th January 2005 SPECTRA, Centre of Excellence took the part in ERASMUS Spatial Development Network Meeting in Milan. This event was organised by University of Milano-Bicoca, Faculty of sociology. SPECTRA is member of ERASMUS network since 1999, developing the contacts and exchange programmes with several European universities e.g. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Politechnica Madrid, Universitaet Dortmund.


Competition of Cities: Chances and Risks of Cooperation

The conference Competition of Cities: Chances and Risks of Cooperation has been held on the 3 rd and 4 th of March 2005 in Bratislava and was organised by SPECTRA, Centre of Excellence. Competition of the Cities is the title of one of the working groups of ARL, led by prof. Rudolf Giffinger from TU Vienna. This event was an outstanding opportunity to present current research results of the above mentioned working group, as well as contributions from other experts. Each paper presented on the conference was evaluated and commented by independent evaluator. The monography dedicated to Competition and cooperation of the cities is supposed to be released in this year.