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River Basins Management
The meeting of the ARL Working group River Basins Management was held on 23th November 2004 at the Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology In Bratislava. This event was dedicated to overview of the work which has been done during previous months. The highlights of this meeting were the presentations of selected research areas in Slovakia (River basin of Morava River), Czech republic (River basin of Dyje River and Labe river) as well as Germany (River basin of Elbe) and Hungary (River basin of Tisza river).
The 6th LUDA workshop and 2nd Conference (1st- 4th December 2004)
The 6th LUDA workshop and 2nd Conference „Sharing Experiences – Developing Strategies for Large Urban Distressed Areas“ was externalised within 1st- 4th December 2004 in the Seminar Hotel St. Virgil in Salzburg. SPECTRA, Centre of Excellence is one of the Project Partners and took essential part on this event. The entire event was devoted to the recognition of the experience diversity in management of large urban distressed areas in European cities and the aspects of the dimensions of the quality of life in these areas.
“The Efficiency of Knowledge Based Society"
The topic „knowledge based society“ can be understandable as an overall issue that combines numerous ways and dimensions in spatial development. On its own it is a manifestation through the particular local, regional, European and global development trends in the fields of economy, work and life. The phenomenon of the knowledge based society is linked with space and time. This leads to an extensive understanding of expressions „knowledge based society“ and „spatial development“. Today the knowledge is the most important competition and development factor.