Latest news
AESOP lecture series continue in Bratislava
Spectra, Centre of Excellence and AESOP would like to invite you to AESOP lecture series with Dr. Shipra Narang Suri and prof. Maroš Finka. The event will be held on January 20, 2017 at 11.00 AM in the lecture room 5/1. You are welcome.
Day for Public, 16th February 2017, at Spectra, Centre of Excellence
Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management STU (where Spectra is based) will organise Day for Public. This event will be held on Thursday, 16th February 2017 in Spectra Centre in Bratislava (Vazovova 5, room 5-1, 5th floor) at 1.00 PM. The main goal of the event is to introduce the acredited study programmes of the Institute of Management, with special emphasis on Spatial planning. Showcases of the work of the current students ("City as a Personality") will be included. We are looking forward to meet you at Spectra, Centre of Excellence.
The project „Black holes“ has been awarded
The project „Black Holes“, elaborated by the PhD student of Spatial Planning and member of Spectra, Centre Excellence Miroslav Beňák has been awarded the prize MOST 2016. Main prize MOST has been continuosly awarded for last 11 years to young volunteers who in their leisure time are contributing to aestethisation of the public spaces and urban environment in general. There were more than 100 projects among the nominations.
Students of Institute of Management of STU utilised their skills for SMART Bratislava and Brno
Institute of Management STU in colaboration with City of Bratislava, City of Brno and Masaryk University in Brno have prepared the 6th edition of international student competition MUNISS. It is a platform where the students from both cities share their creative ideas for urban development of respective cities.
SPECTRA CE EU in the United Nation
On April 27th, 016 presented prof. Maros Finka, director of the SPECTRA CE EU at the Slovak University in Bratislava in the United Nation Organization headquarter in New York his statement on report of the Policy Unit 9 Urban services and technologies. His presentation got very positive reaction in the frame of Open-ended consultative meetings to the preparation of the UNO World Conference HABITAT III held in Quito, Equator.
Day for Public, 18th February 2016, at Spectra, Centre of Excellence
Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management STU (where Spectra is based) will organise Day for Public. This event will be held on Thursday, 18th February 2016 in Spectra Centre in Bratislava (Vazovova 5, room 5-1, 5th floor) at 1.00 PM. The main goal of the event is to introduce the acredited study programmes of the Institute of Management, with special emphasis on Spatial planning. Showcases of the work of the current students ("City as a Personality") will be included. We are looking forward to meet you at Spectra, Centre of Excellence.
The 2015 AESOP PhD workshop, Stara Lesna, 6th to 11th July
The 2015 AESOP PhD workshop is going to be organised by SPECTRA Centre of Excellence of the EU and Institute of Management of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava in association with the AESOP Young Academics and will be held from Monday 6th to Saturday 11th July 2015 in Congress Centre Academia, Stara Lesna. PHD workshop is part of the annual AESOP Congress that will be held from 13 to 17 July in Prague.
Day of Students of Spatial Planning on 16th April 2015
Dear friends,
Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management of STU would like to invite you to the Day of Students of Spatial Planning. The event will be held on 16th April 2015 at 1.00 PM in the foyer of Aula of D.Ilkovič (Mýtna street 36). Our students will prepare an exhibition of their spatial planning works and will present their Erasmus study experiences. They will introduce the planning game and will show you the movies from the cycle „City as a Personality“. All the essential information concerning Spatial Planning study programmes will be introduced and discussed in all entirety. You are welcome.
Day for Public, 18th February 2015, at Spectra, Centre of Excellence
Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management STU (where Spectra is based) will organise Day for Public. This event will be held on Thursday, 18th February 2015 in Spectra Centre in Bratislava (Vazovova 5, room 5-1, 5th floor) at 1.00 PM. The main goal of the event is to introduce the acredited study programmes of the Institute of Management, with special emphasis on Spatial planning. Showcases of the work of the current students ("City as a Personality") will be included. We are looking forward to meet you at Spectra, Centre of Excellence.
Urban Resilience
Acceleration of the spatial development has generated an increased probability of having to face negative effects of globalisation as well as EU integration. Recent economic and financial crisis highlighted this risk and created threats which were not acute some years ago. Fragile spatial and societal structures have been exposed to huge pressure originated either from international markets, unfavourable demographic prognosis, environmental hazards or other sources of risk. Urban resilience is the ability of cities and municipalities to absorb, cope and overcome these setbacks.