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Súčasná kulminujúca kríza spôsobená epidémiou CoVid-19 zmenila mestá na nepoznanie, v krátkodobom i dlhodobom horizonte. Zatvorené prevádzky, vyprázdnené ulice, nemocnice pripravujúce sa na veľký nápor pacientov, ale aj iné prejavy ako rozšírené možnosti pre home office, obmedzené úradné hodiny verejných inštitúcií a iné sprievodné javy tejto krízy nám ukazujú, že to, čo sme si dlho nevedeli predstaviť, sa zrazu stáva nutnosťou a najmä to, že mnohé postupy sa javia ako efektívne alternatívy. Sem patria videokonferencie nahradzujúce osobné stretnutia či konferencie. Ukazuje sa, že mnoho menších stretnutí naozaj nahradí jeden dlhší email a v neposlednom rade je to práve otázka školstva, kde sa doteraz od čias Márie Terézie v zásade nezmenil spôsob podávania informácií.


Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management STU will organise Day for Public - 27th February 2020.

Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management STU (where Spectra is based) will organise Day for Public. This event will be held on Thursday, 27th February 2020 in Spectra Centre in Bratislava (Vazovova 5, room 5-1, 5th floor) at 1.00 PM. The main goal of the event is to introduce the accredited study programmes of the Institute of Management . Showcases of the work of the current students, ERASMUS experiences and discussion about study will be in the spotlight. We are looking forward to meet you at Spectra, Centre of Excellence.


The final announcement of awards of students competition MUNISS 2019

Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management would like to invite you for the final announcement of awards of students competition MUNISS  2019, which will be held on Friday, 24th May. The event will be started from 10,00 AM in Mirror Hall of Primate Palace by awards of 7th annual students competition and then will be continued from 2,00 PM in Námestie Slodody (Freedom Square), where the public discussion with the M.Vallo, mayor of Bratislava will follow.


The E-Future of Cities: Between Temptations of Exponential Technology Growth and The Concept of Human City - Belgrade, 24th till 25th October 2019

Spectra, Centre of Excellence, is co-organizing international scientific conference The E-Future of Cities: Between Temptations of Exponential Technology Growth and The Concept of Human City. The main organizer is Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia (AESS) and University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography. The event will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, from 24th till 25th October 2019. Date for the Abstract Submission in 15th April 2019.


Spa-ce-net, 22nd till 23rd November 2018

Spectra, Centre of Excellence organized the annual network Spa-ce.net conference „From SMART Cities to SMART Regions in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe. The event was held from 22nd till 23rd November 2018 in Spectra, Institute of Management, Vazovova street 5 and will be consisting from two thematic pannels: 1. Potential of smart concepts to reflect demand on new quality of development in urban regions and 2. Smart approaches to urban regions sustainable development management.


8th annual project MUNISS 2019, 15th November 2018 in Brno

Spectra, Centre of Excellence, Slovak University of Technology and City of Bratislava would like to invite you for official kick off meeting of the 8th annual project MUNISS 2019. The event will be held on Thursday, 15th November 2018 in Brno, the building of New Municipal House, Dominikánske square 196/1 from 10,00 AM. The project MUNISS is dedicated to Smart City startegies for cities of Brno and Bratislava and the main participators are student from STU Bratislava and VUT Brno. Dr. Vladimír Ondrejička and dr.Silvia Ondrejičková are main coordinators representing STU Bratislava.


The final announcement of awards of students competition MUNISS

Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management would like to invite you for the final announcement of awards of students competition MUNISS and for the planned public discussion in the Obchodná street, which will be held on Wednesday, 6th June. The event will be started from 10,00 AM in Mirror Hall of Primate Palace by awards of 7th annual students competition and then will be contuiuned from 2,00 PM in Obchodná street in front of Hotel Crowne Plaza.


"Plan it better" - 5th April 2018, 5,00 PM, Restaurant Nervos

Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management of STU are inviting you for 3rd Annual Planning Day under the headline "Plan it better" (5th April 2018, 5,00 PM, Restaurant Nervos). The event is organized by the students of spatial planning and will be focused on current problems of planning (presentation of project Whatcity - Mitchkiewička, brownfields discussion, profesional experiences of spatial planners and their careers). You are welcome to participate.


Expert Workshop on strategic investment packages, 15-16th March 2018

Spectra, Centre of Excellence and Institute of Management STU were during 15-16th March 2018 the venue of Expert Workshop on strategic investment packages as a support action for the development of national investment plans introducing examples of the best practice from France, Sweden and the UK. In this context, Prof. Maroš Finka, from SPECTRA Centre of Excellence of EU – Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava presented the TRANSGREEN project. His aim was to bring into discussion the environmental sustainability of transport investments and, thus, to complete the existing approach which focuses mainly on two out of three pillars of sustainable development: social and economic factors such as productivity, economic growth or welfare. To support this, he offered a concrete example and package of solutions from the Carpathian region as derived from TRANSGREEN project.


Prof. Finka guest speaker in the development workshop in Kandy City (Sri Lanka)

Professor Maroš Finka, an expert who worked with UN Habitat III, and Head of SPECTRA – Center of Excellence of the European Union and Director of Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, was the guest speaker in the Kandy City (Sri Lanka) development workshop under the auspieces of World Bank’s Sri Lanka Strategic Cities Development Project. Under the project, urban services and public urban spaces are to be improved in the city. This includes traffic improvements, such as the rehabilitation of selected by-pass roads, and establishment and improvements of selected public transport facilities and traffic management measures. The project involves the augmentation and rehabilitation of the municipal water supply system; rehabilitation of major drains; urban upgrading, including the improvement of selected streetscapes and public spaces. It also aims to restore and repurpose historic and landmark buildings. Professor Finka drew the attention of planners to the environment and the heritage. „Current trends in the management and planning processes show the growing importance of landscape planning, especially after 2000“ underlined prof. Finka.